I LOVE NYC and these pictures are examples of why I LOVE NYC. We were wandering aimlessly and found this painted on a building. I have no idea what it is, but I love good street art.Then we found our way to Union Square Park. It is a favorite of ours due to the various outdoor markets and the dog park. Yes, we are the weirdos without dogs playing with dogs in there. Hey we miss our dogs when we travel. Anyway we found this booth of T-Shirts supporting Obama. Un believably there is a Polar Bears for Obama shirt there. For those that don't know, Chrissy is a zookeeper that takes care of the polar bears at Brookfield Zoo. She also spent two weeks in Churchill, Manitoba working with Polar Bears International last October. I said to her, only in New York could we find a shirt like this for you. It turns out the artist made a bunch of these as a response to Sarah Palin's VP nomination.
Love the shirts! Just looked online and ordered one for myself...