AAAHHH. The new year. New beginnings. The country is going to hell in a hand basket to use an old phrase but eight years of incompetent, corrupt and just plain fucked up leadership is finally coming to an end. So how do I cope with all the crap going on. I play hockey. I play on two teams, Sudden Death and NorthStar. I can completely forget the rest of the world exists and for a few hours each week enjoy life in my hockey world. My teamates jokes, lockerroom banter and on ice insults make it easier to make it through the day to day grind of modern life. So today Eric Dunlop (more commonly called Reg, hockey fans know why) had a big party for the Blackhawks - Red Wings game at Wrigley Field. He had 3 TV's setup including one on the back deck where 2 BBQ grills were fired up. There was plenty of food, alcohol and friends. Too bad the Blackhawks lost to the hated Red Wings. Frank even had a birthday cake for Mark with the Hawks Indian Head logo on it and with typical hockey team humor it read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATSO". Some days life is perfect.
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