My friend Jimmy's little sister, Cindy, was born when I was a senior in high school. She is one of the few kids I've spent time with their whole lives. She was the flower girl at my wedding. Chrissy & I would take her to the zoo or into Chicago for the day. She really is the little sister I never had. She now works for Congressman Visclosky. She offered me tickets to the inauguration. At first I said I would love to go. After the election, I began reading about what Barack Obama being elected meant to African Americans. I truly wanted him to win because of his ideas and positions on the issues that matter to me. I thought he could return this country to what it once was. Another nod to MLK, I wanted him to be my President because of his character, not the color of his skin. Then the historic nature of his election slowly crept in, how people thought this day would never come, older black people thinking they would never live to see this day. My favorite quote was "now when a black parent tells their child 'you can be President' that child can actually believe it". I told Cindy, I still wanted to go to the Inauguration, but not if my tickets would prevent a black person from going. It means more to them to be standing there witnessing this event. I didn't get tickets but I did get an Invitation and a Program from the Inuaguration. Thanks Cindy.
Awesome! Could you scan those documents and send me the images? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSure Geo,i'll get to it today.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. :)