Friday, August 1, 2014

July 28, 2014 I Miss My Ocean

I couple of weeks ago my cousin Michelle, who is staying with us this summer, posted a picture of herself standing on the shore of the Pacific Ocean. The caption read "I miss my ocean". I commented that I miss my ocean too. My ocean is the Atlantic Ocean. So when I got home from work today we took the dogs to Dunbar Beach on Lake Michigan. It wasn't quite our oceans but due to the strange weather pattern in the area this year, the lake had some decent sized waves rolling in. I think we both enjoyed the sound of the surf as we walked along the shore.

I thought my favorite Modest Mouse song, "The Ocean Breathes Salty" should be playing while you check out the pictures of our walk on the beach. These pictures were taken by both of us.

The water was pretty warm considering the cool temps all summer. The waves were full of sand as they battered the beach.

For those of you familiar with the beaches along Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, you know the water is usually about thirty to forty feet from the dune grass along Lakefront Drive.

I took Oslo into the surf but he was afraid of the bigger waves.

Roxie enjoying a sip of muddy water.

There is nothing better than a walk on the beach even if it isn't your favorite ocean.

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