Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 15 Spending A Day with 3 Dogs and 1 Niece

My niece Kristian was my dog walker helper today. We took the dogs to Sweet Woods for a long hike through the woods. The hike was enjoyed by all two legged and four legged participants. For those that think I might be a bad influence on my young niece, let me assure you I reprimanded her (after laughing hysterically) for singing "Lions and tigers and Fanooks!" while walking through the forest. After walking the dogs, we worked around the house. She helped clean the wood racks with Murphys Soap Oil before we hung them back on the recently painted walls. We cleaned the dishes, did laundry and baked cookies from the cookie dough we bought to support the Great Pyrenees Rescue of Chicago. Kristian wanted to help with the cookies but I wouldn't let her because then I wouldn't be able to eat them. Why you ask? Because kids are walking sacks of disgusting germs, viruses and bacteria. Anyway, Kristian spent time reading the magnets on my refrigerator. Probably not a good idea. For the sake of this story you need to know that she has been taking dance classes for a few years now. While I was putting the dough on the cookie trays, she showed me her new dance after reading this magnet.

It was her butt, gut & thighs dance, where she gyrated her hips while pointing to each body part as she sang out "BUTT GUT THIGHS". Hey this isn't my fault. I'm a good uncle. I really am. I spent the whole day with my niece and actually enjoyed it. I'm just damn glad she didn't create a song for this magnet.

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