Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 12 My Beliefs...Verified

I have half jokingly said, some say ranted, that the creation of the suburbs were the beginning of the end for our country. They created our demand for oil by requiring us to drive everywhere, they created highways that became clogged with traffic, they created our demand for crappy fast food which in turn began our long acceptance of inferior and cheap over quality and costly. The suburbs then created an insular society, sure you saw your neighbors and waved to them from your driveway to theirs, but you no longer had to talk to them. Slowly big box stores sold everything you needed and the local businesses disappeared. But you didn't notice because you had your home, your 3 car garage, your sixty inch flat screen TV with 280 channels of  viewing excitement. You only left your house to work so you could pay for all your worldly possessions. Why should you care what was actually going on out there? Then in 2008, all Americans were ass raped by the system they created. The truth is we deserved what happened to us. Now is the time to correct the mistakes we made in the past 50 years. I read a great interview with economist James Howard Kunstler in the Sun Magazine today. He pretty much agrees with my assessment of the suburbs bringing down the country. You can read part of the article here or check out his blog, Clusterfuck Nation.

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